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Saturday, April 23, 2011


What can be said about Gibraltar? Well, ever since I learned about this place in a 6th grade Geography class I've wanted to go and see the Rock of Gibraltar in the south of Spain. What I didn't know was 1. Gibraltar is the last remaining colony in the world - it belongs to Britain and 2. That Gibraltar is very famous for the species of monkeys that are only found there. Needless to say, I learned a lot and accomplished one of the items on my bucket list! It was a quick trip and it has taken me a while to get these up, but I hope you enjoy the monkeys and the giant rock that for me have now become associated with - Gibraltar.

1 comment:

  1. The fourth one is absolutely beautiful.

    All of the pictures are very professionally taken, as always. I think you'll quite easily make a name for yourself if you try.
