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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Carolina's Next Top Model

 What do you do when you have a spankin' brand new camera, lovely residents and co-workers, a gorgeous Carolina day and you live next to the Arboretum? Why, you have a photo-shoot! A special thanks to the wonderful people that showed up - I had such a great time...taking awkward photos, directing, laughing and having a blast :) Enjoy...

Anwuli...a fellow photographer :)


The lovely Caroline

Many of you may remember Alex from the "Part Time Model" post...she's fierce. In and outside of the U.S.



Attempting to much better than the actual "Jump" picture

Sasha Fierce 

Jason! I love this picture :)

Oh yeah...this is Hannah. She's freakin' gorgeous.

Good times...Good times :)


  1. hahahaha! i like the ones of us being bridesmaids

  2. Tesoro, these are amazing!!! Even though I was there and I watched you edit them all.... I'm still blown away!!! You're clients are going to be so lucky to have you;) This new camera has opened up a whole new style it seems... you're pics are changing and its so exciting to see:) I love it!!! Get it.

  3. once again, beautifully done. i'm always so impressed :)
    -Allison Blackburn
