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Saturday, December 4, 2010

The decoration process...

This is my favorite part...once the tree is picked out, the decorating begins. The time spent in the basement, going through boxes and boxes of lights and ornaments, discovering new treasures as each box is opened. Rediscovering, with a childish wonder, what we've taken out and marveled at year after year after year. I spent some time just looking at everything a little bit closer, paying attention to details I usually look over - but have a very special place in my heart. Ahh...I've always loved Christmas. Hope this gets you in the spirit too...

My mom loves these jingle bells, so she hangs them...on every door.

For my senior trip, my mom and I went to NYC and we bought this at the biggest M&M store in the world! Atleast, for us. I love this ornament.

Two years ago, I made/decorated stockings for everyone with different toys...Christmas Eve.

Sadie took a nap and woke up long enough to eye me, questioning my obsession with photographing everything in the living room.

My favorite part of the house this year...the snowflake lights down the banister of our staircase

The first ornament we bought when we visited North Carolina for the first time

We collect Santa Claus snowballs...

Our special tree with all of the old ornaments, the red one is about 12 years old.

Our nativity set that's been with us since I was...very, very young.

We bought this in NYC, after seeing The Rockettes.

My lovely fireplace...
Grace of the season.

1 comment:

  1. Bellas fotos... cada vez q las miro encuentro mas razones para decir q tu eres un genio !!!
