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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Feria Shoot Part 1

So I know this really cool girl, Colleen, who bought a rocking flamenco dress and wanted to take some pictures to give to her generous grandmother as a gift for allowing her to study in Sevilla! We of course went to Plaza de Espana, decked out in full flamenco attire and had a wonderful time, taking pictures, watching tourists take pictures and taking full advantage of the beautiful day! Mary joined us and we had a flamenco photo shoot party! This is only Part 1 taken at Plaza de Espana, but the rest is yet to come so stick around for Part 2 in the lovely Parque Maria Luisa :) Enjoy!


  1. Beautiful, simply beautiful. And props for getting the post up so soon! (even though you should have gone out with us instead...) Can't wait for the next one!

  2. Muy bellas las fotos... y muy lindas las modelos.. Felicitaciones a la fotografa!!
