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Friday, April 29, 2011


Ahh Lagos...what can be said about Lagos, Portugal? It was perhaps one of the most entertaining trips I've been on, considering almost all the people from my program where there! The beaches were incredible and the small town charm of a place meant to be taken over by American students was awesome! We had the most beautiful weather, along with the turquoise blue ocean and magnificent boulders along the cost. This town holds a very special place in my heart and I hope you enjoy a small glimpse of my time, relaxing and standing in awe of Lagos.

1 comment:

  1. Owwww... estoy anonadada... bellas fotos..las tomas son espectaculares, la vision y el enfoque de tu lente es increible!!! Esta es una de mis favoritas de todas las secuencias que he visto tuyas!!
