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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Amelia: Sneak Peek

In the spirit of a spooky Halloween, my roommate and I wandered about the cemetery taking's a sneak peek into Amelia's shoot. There's more to come, I promise.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Amongst the squirrels...

I took my camera out into the Arboretum yesterday and had a fantastic time just photographing beauty. But! The biggest success of the day came when a squirrel stood still and let me snap a few shots or him...or her. Enjoy...

Yes, I was creeping.

But creeping is a great way to get some awesome shots...

Picture of squirrel looking at camera! My life is complete.

I must have looked hilarious rolling around in the leaves...

Playing with dirt...

Let it be fall.

I love trees.

My favorite of them all.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A day for Erin...

Meet Erin Berg. She's pretty much amazing and beautiful, if you haven't met her you're missing out. My lovely friend allowed me to take over 200 pictures of her painting, talking, walking around...and getting her beloved ring stuck on her finger. It's a sad story but it's also kind of awesome I got to document it, so that in 10 years we can look back and chuckle. Hopefully.

The art begins...

Intense concentration.

Gouache is the new watercolor.

These two photographs are some of my favorites...

Soft and angelic Erin...

ANGELIC??? I think so.

So excited I finally got to photograph blue eyes.

Lizzie joined us :) 

Oh yes. I made her blue eyes green...

Thank you guys for letting me get crazy with my camera. I had an...interesting time! Love you both!